Following the successful launch of myProducts RMA (Return Material Authorisation) online, the next step is to make the material return process even easier. The aim of our new app ReturnIT is to provide customers with even more support so returns can be processed quickly and more efficiently whilst also saving time.


Using the ReturnIt app on your mobile phone – simply scan the labels of the components you want to return for repair instead of typing the serial numbers by hand. This is enabled by a guided step-by-step recording process of the relevant material data. All our components can be identified with a label (bar code) containing all important information. Scanning the label with the smartphone's camera saves time and ensures that the correct data is acquired.

Flexible, futuristic and device independent – ReturnIT is accessible from Smartphones, Tablets and Android

Keep an eye on your transactions in ReturnIT. All status information on current RMA processes is visible at a glance. You don't have to choose between a mobile device or a desktop PC; both platforms are synchronized so you always have access to all data. For your convenience, start scanning on-site and print your RMA form in the office later. Of course, the well-known track-and-trace functionality, overviews, the search function and automatic notifications are available via ReturnIT as well – available anywhere and anytime.

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In order to use the ReturnIT app you need a myProducts account which you can create here

Ultimately, ReturnIT will also be available on Apple iTunes store.


Online Repair Returns made easier than ever!


myProducts Rel. 3.7.0

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