with internal lock

Secure, reliable operation under harsh conditions

With its long proven track record, point machine L710H provides a cost-efficient solution with low life cycle costs and ensures safe train operation even in the harshest environments. The design is based on the successful model of point machine L700H, adapted to include internal locking.

Electro-hydraulic point machine L710H with internal lock

Robustness and durability are key elements in the design of point machine L710H. The design adapted to include internal locking, minimizes the need for external components, making it especially suitable for application in extreme environments.

Depending on customer requirement, the point machine L710H can be designed to meet IP67 standard and is available as a trailable or nontrailable version

The L710H guarantees railway operators a high level of network availability and efficiency.

Electro-hydraulic point machine L710H with internal lock

Robustness and durability are key elements in the design of point machine L710H. The design adapted to include internal locking, minimizes the need for external components, making it especially suitable for application in extreme environments.

Depending on customer requirement, the point machine L710H can be designed to meet IP67 standard and is available as a trailable or nontrailable version

The L710H guarantees railway operators a high level of network availability and efficiency.


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