for external lock, with variable stroke

Versatile & reliable in operation

A new generation electro-hydraulic point machine with variable stroke. L826H is specifically designed for safe operation in high-speed lines.

Electro-hydraulic point machine L826H for external lock, with variable stroke

Point machine L826H is a versatile yet cost-saving model. This point machine presents a solution with variable stroke and throwing force, making it most suitable for high-speed lines where more than one machine per turnout is required.

This high quality, field-proven point machine offer a solution that

  • supports the usage of an external lock for the turnout
  • can be integrated into the sleeper
  • achieves a high level of reliability with long inspection intervals lowering lifecycle costs
  • is virtually maintenance free

Electro-hydraulic point machine L826H for external lock with variable stroke

Point machine L826H is a versatile yet cost-saving model. This point machine presents a solution with variable stroke and throwing force, making it most suitable for high-speed lines where more than one machine per turnout is required.

This high quality, field-proven point machine offer a solution that

  • supports the usage of an external lock for the turnout
  • can be integrated into the sleeper
  • achieves a high level of reliability with long inspection intervals lowering lifecycle costs
  • is virtually maintenance free

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