Hitachis flagship axle counter system for train detection

Versatile, Safe, Secure & Reliable in operation

Hitachis best-selling Axle Counter System Az LM combines the experience of axle counter dedication since 1965 with the latest technology for safe, secure, reliable and cost-efficient train detection. This comprehensive multi-section axle counter solution capable of managing almost any train detection application.

Axle counter system Az LM

Driven by the need to have a reliable train detection system with life cycle costs far below that of track circuits, axle counter systems are being deployed by an ever increasing number of infrastructure managers.

The increasing number of passengers on main line, suburban rail, metro and tramway as well as freight transport on main line, has fuelled the need for an axle counter system which,

  • is pushing line availability further without compromising on cost or complexity and
  • integrates seamlessly into the classic signalling systems (block signalling), contemporary signalling systems (moving block signalling with intelligence in the infrastructure) and signalling systems of tomorrow (automatic train operation with intelligence on the train).
Result of Hitachis investment into the continous improvement of its axle counter system Az LM is,
  • the unique availability engineering, which goes beyond features of the product and
  • the breakup of the system up into objects, which communicate over IP networks, using where available open protocol standards

Axle counter systems Az LM

Driven by the need to have a reliable train detection system with life cycle costs far below that of track circuits, axle counter systems are being deployed by an ever increasing number of infrastructure managers.

The increasing number of passengers on main line, suburban rail, metro and tramway as well as freight transport on main line, has fuelled the need for an axle counter system which,

  • is pushing line availability further without compromising on cost or complexity and
  • integrates seamlessly into the classic signalling systems (block signalling), contemporary signalling systems (moving block signalling with intelligence in the infrastructure) and signalling systems of tomorrow (automatic train operation with intelligence on the train).

Result of Thales investment into the continous improvement of its axle counter system Az LM is,

  • the unique availability engineering, which goes beyond features of the product and
  • the breakup of the system up into objects, which communicate over IP networks, using where available open protocol standards

Axle counter systems Az LM

Driven by the need to have a reliable train detection system with life cycle costs far below that of track circuits, axle counter systems are being deployed by an ever increasing number of infrastructure managers.

The increasing number of passengers on main line, suburban rail, metro and tramway as well as freight transport on main line, has fuelled the need for an axle counter system which,

  • is pushing line availability further without compromising on cost or complexity and
  • integrates seamlessly into the classic signalling systems (block signalling), contemporary signalling systems (moving block signalling with intelligence in the infrastructure) and signalling systems of tomorrow (automatic train operation with intelligence on the train).

Result of Thales investment into the continous improvement of its axle counter system Az LM is,

  • the unique availability engineering, which goes beyond features of the product and
  • the breakup of the system up into objects, which communicate over IP networks, using where available open protocol standards

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