Hitachis out of the box axle counter system

Competitive and facile

The Az LS axle counter system couples low investment with highest reliability and SIL4 safety. Az LS consists only of trackside equipment; simplifying track modernization and keeping infrastructure costs at a minimum.

Axle counter system Az LS

Hitachi Az LS axle counter system utilizes Hitachis high performance axle counter technology, which has proven itself in many main line and urban rail applications around the globe.

Az LS consists only of trackside equipment. All electronics comes ready with an outdoor housing. No indoor electronics.

This compact yet simple system guarantees railway operators SIL4 fail-safe automatic track occupancy detection directly at the trackside. Track clear/occupied information is transmitted to the interlocking/block equipment at each end of a section. The monitoring of the section occurs reliably independent of section length or ballast and shunt conditions.

Especially designed for small applications, track upgrades and easy transition from track circuits to axle counter systems; unmistakable and simple configuration.

Az LS can be easily integrated into diverse applications, including

  • upgrading token block and semi-automatic block systems,
  • providing automatic block facilities,
  • replacing existing track circuit equipment on long lines or on lines with poor ballast conditions,
  • loop lines and
  • level crossing

Axle counter systems Az LS

Thales Az LS axle counter system utilizes Thales’ high performance axle counter technology, which has proven itself in many main line and urban rail applications around the globe.

Az LS consists only of trackside equipment. All electronics comes ready with an outdoor housing. No indoor electronics.

This compact yet simple system guarantees railway operators SIL4 fail-safe automatic track occupancy detection directly at the trackside. Track clear/occupied information is transmitted to the interlocking/block equipment at each end of a section. The monitoring of the section occurs reliably independent of section length or ballast and shunt conditions.

Especially designed for small applications, track upgrades and easy transition from track circuits to axle counter systems; unmistakable and simple configuration.

Az LS can be easily integrated into diverse applications, including

  • upgrading token block and semi-automatic block systems,
  • providing automatic block facilities,
  • replacing existing track circuit equipment on long lines or on lines with poor ballast conditions,
  • loop lines and
  • level crossing

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